Jonathan new member
(left to right) Lions Jonathan, Pat and Jai.

Jonathan is our Press and Social Media Officer and is one of our most recent recruits. He was attracted to Lions by the opportunity to use his professional skills to help the local community. Along with many Lions, Jonathan volunteers in the bookshop once a week.

Jai is the Club's Lion Tamer. He looks after the club's property and runs a raffle each week, as well as helping the President keep the Lions in good order at meetings!  

Pat is the Club's current President. She has been a Lion for many years. As President she leads the Club and chooses charities which have a special emphasis for fundraising in her year in office. 

Lion Denis
Lion Denis

Denis is the Club's Senior Vice President and Fellowship Chairman. He arranges the club's social events. He said: "I joined Lions with another businessman to help people less fortunate than myself. That was 49 years ago and I still enjoy it as much now as when I first became a Lion." Denis is pictured in the bookshop where he volunteers one day a week.


About Lions Clubs International

Lions Clubs of the British Isles are part of Lions Clubs International, the largest membership-based service organisation in the world. Our 1.4 million members in more than 49,000 clubs are serving in 200 countries and geographic areas. Since 1917, Lions have improved health and well-being, strengthened communities and supported those in need, locally and globally. At Lions Clubs International our motto is "We Serve."

Wherever you live, work or travel, you are likely to come across members of Lions clubs and the projects we support.

Lions are ordinary people who do extraordinary things to help others and support good causes. Globally we have more volunteers in more places than any other service club organisation. We love to help others and make things happen.

Every day Lions are having fun by organising remarkable and memorable fundraising activities.

Every year, in Europe alone, Lions Clubs members volunteer almost 6 million hours of service and raise £88 million annually to support the needs of local communities.



Fred Thompson was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship by Zone Chair Jackie Robson at Darlington Lions Club's first meeting of the Lions new year. This award is the highest form of recognition bestowed by Lions. Named after the founder of Lions Clubs International, it marks Fred's commitment to Lions and dedication to humanitarian service. His name will be added to a Roll of Honour board at Lions International Headquarters in Chicago. Fred has been a member of Darlington Lions for more than 50 years and is co-chair of the bookshop committee.

Fred Presentation
Lion Fred Thompson receiving his Melvin Jones Fellowship from Zone Chair Jackie Robson


Jonathan Reay joined Darlington Lions in April 2024. He is pictured on the left with Darlington Lions President Pat De Martino and his Lions Club Sponsor Krishnan.

Jonathan Reay joined Darlington Lions in April 2024. He is pictured on the left with Darlington Lions President Pat De Martino and his Lions Club Sponsor Jai Krishnan


Darlington Lions Club celebrated its 63rd Charter Handover Dinner at Darlington Masonic Hall, with a string of awards for Lions. Pat De Martino officially started her year as President, as past Lions' President Tony Gent handed her the chain of office. 

Pat thanked all of the Darlington Lions for their wonderful support in the last 12 months and remembered fondly the kindness, hard work and dedication to Lions of immediate past President Robert Hilary who sadly passed away earlier this year. 

Four Lions were honoured during the evening. Fred Thompson and Ian Barnes, both of whom have been Lions for more than 50 years, were awarded Melvin Jones Fellowships. This is the highest form of recognition bestowed by Lions. Named after the founder of Lions Clubs International, it marks their commitment to Lions and dedication to humanitarian service. Their names will be added to a Roll of Honour board at Lions International Headquarters in Chicago.

Ann Gent and Kevin Winkworth both received Darlington Lions President's Awards. Ann's award was for leading the Club's and District's Health and Safety initiative and mastering the relevant regulations, while Kevin's was for his dedication to the smooth running of the Lions Charity Bookshop.
In addition to more than 60 Darlington Lions Club members and guests, Lions' Immediate Past District Governor Kevin Hunter and his wife Cynthia also attended the handover dinner, with Kevin presenting Ian with his award.

Darlington Lions President Pat De Martino (left) receives the chain of office from Lions Past President Tony Gent
Darlington Lions President Pat De Martino (left) receives the chain of office from Lions Past President Tony Gent

Kevin Winkworth receives his award from Pat De Martino
Kevin Winkworth receives his award from Pat De Martino
Ann Gent receives her award from Pat De Martino
Ann Gent receives her award from Pat De Martino
Kevin Hunter presents Ian Barnes with his award
Kevin Hunter presents Ian Barnes with his award


At their first club meeting of 2024 Darlington Lions President Robert Hillary had the pleasure of presenting long service chevrons to five of the Darlington Lions.

These awards represent great commitment and dedication to the Lions Charity over many years and all are still going strong within the club.

Lion Fred Thompson celebrates 50 years serving with Lions since 1974; he was also involved in setting up the Lions Book Shop in the town.  Asking Fred what his highlights are during his many years as a Lion,   he quickly replies that along with the Bookshop, the setting up and running of the "Goalbuster" game which still operates today for the members, producing winners and losers on a regular basis. Fred is also a marvellous Meccano engineer and his working models are often on show at local events.  

The recipients of the long service chevrons were, Lion President Robert Hillary 15 years;  Lion Richard Western 35 years, Lions Jeff Kemp and John De Martino 25 years each.

(L to R) Lions John DeMartino, Fred Thompson, Jeff Kemp and Lion President Robert Hillary

(L to R) Lions John DeMartino, Fred Thompson, Jeff Kemp and Lion President Robert Hillary

Lion Fred Thompson who achieved 50 years of service with one of his beloved Meccano models

Lion Fred Thompson who achieved 50 years of service with one of his beloved Meccano models


January 2018 saw the introduction of 2 new members into the club.

The picture below shows Paul Hutchinson and Jai Krishnan with club president Jenny Lumley.


Melvin Jones Fellowships.


In his year of office ( 2016 - 17 ) past president Ian Barnes presented Melvin Jones Fellowships to 3 very deserving Lions. These awards are given in recognition of outstanding service to the Club. The picture shows recipients Tom Peacock, Pat De Martino & Robert Hillary with past president Ian Barnes. 


On 30th June Jenny Lumley was installed at the new president of the club.

The picture shows her being congratulated by outgoing president Ian Barnes who is receiving his past president's pin from Jenny.



At the club's annual Charter Dinner & Handover evening on 30th June 2017  Club president Lion Ian Barnes presented the Melvin Jones award to Darlington Lion Tom Peacock ( right ) for 45 years outstanding service.



On 1st July 2016 Ian Barnes was installed as President of the club.

The picture shown Lion Ian (on the left) with the chain of office and the outgoing president Lion Denis Pinnegar.

zzz handover


Richard Western - Past President and winner of our recent night out at the Darlington Quoits Club.

ZZZ Quiots


January 2016 saw the 90th Birthday of Maisie Dawkes. Maisie's late husband Ken was the 105 NE District Governor in 1990 -91. Maisie is still a fried of Darlington Lions and helps out with baking for various functions. To mark this occasion club secretary Sandy Duncan presented her with a bouquet from the club at her bungalow in Melsonby, North Yorkshire.



Vice District Governor Dave Wheeler visited the Darlington Lions Club in October to present his personal banner to the club. He also presented awards to Lion Sandy Duncan for 20 years service , Lion Tony Gent for 10 years service and he also
 left a 20 year service medal for Darlington Lion Charlie Headon who has recently been in poor health and unable to attend meetings and he wished  Mr Headon a very good & hasty recovery.

ZZZZJenny & team

Photograph left to right.

Lion Tony Gent - Darlington Lions Club vice president Jenny Lumley.Vice District Governor Dave Wheeler & Lion Sandy Duncan.


The main charity for 2015, chosen by club president Pat De Martino, is ECCDS - the Education Centre for Children with Down Syndrome.
Jo Walker & Sandy Hart fundraisers of ECCDS visited Darlington Lions Club at their meeting at Darlington Cricket Club to present the members with a certificate of thanks & appreciation for their support in the coming year.

Z- ECCDS photo

The photograph shows -

Darlington Lion president Pat De Martino receives the certificate of thanks from Sandy Hart fundraising chairman of ECCDS


Recently, while clearing out a member's garage a beautiful table decoration was unearthed. It comprises some 40 international flags mounted on a hardwood timber block.
 It was given to Darlington Lions the by the Ladies of the club many years ago but had been stored away for safe keeping and forgotten!!!. However it has now been beautifully refurbished and restored to its former glory ( complete with new carrying case ) by Lion Robert Hillary.

  Photograph - left to right.

Z- Flags photo
Darlington Lions Club president Pat De Martino.
Darlington Probus Club chairman Kathy LeRoy.
Robert Hillary - Darlington Lion


Z- Robert - banner

In February 2014 I.P.D.G. Lion Sutherland John presented his personal banner to Darlington Lion President Robert Hillary before speaking to the club and he encouraged the follow up of the following MD 105 initiatives such as -
Young Leaders in Service, The Peace Poster Campaign, Young Medics Alert for 0- 10 year olds and the MD Disaster Fund which will soon be called upon to assist with flood victims.

The attached photograph shows Immediate Past District Governor presenting his personal banner to Darlington Lions Club President Robert Hillary


Z- Presentation - excellence

The Immediate Past District Governor Lion John Sutherland visited Darlington Lions Club in February to present the club with the Club Excellence Award. Darlington Lions Club Immediate Past President Tony Gent received the distinguished Banner Patch to display on the club banner and he also received a Club Excellence Pin to recognise his outstanding leadership during his year in office. Clubs that excel in community service, membership growth, communication and organizational management may qualify for the prestigious Excellence Awards.

Immediate Past District Governor John Sutherland presenting the Banner patch & Club Excellence Pin to Immediate Past President Lion Tony Gent.


 z - Award pic

Tony Gent, Darlington Lions President presents Richard Western with a crystal pin in recognition of his achievements.

Richard Western, Past President, Darlington Lions Club has earned the International President's Membership Achievement Award for significant progress and development of the club while in office.

His main achievements were the 20% increase in membership numbers and the successful 50th anniversary of the Club Inauguration and the 50th Charter Dinner.

Darlington Talking Newspapers and Darlington Multiple Sclerosis, were given the largest donations of £2,000 and £6,500 respectively and a 1000 books were sent to Africa from our bookshop in Blackwellgate Arcade to assist with the education of children.


Dave Nicholson left and Ian Barnes - 80 years service
Dave Nicholson left and Ian Barnes right
Eighty Years

Two stalwart Darlington Lions Club members Dave Nicholson and Ian Barnes reached a milestone with the club serving 40 years each and received chevron badges marking their long service to the club..
Both have enjoyed being at the forefront of fundraising over the years and many chosen Darlington charities and worthy individuals have benefited.
The main Darlington fundraising events over the years have been the Dog Show, Town & Railway Carnivals, Swaledale Walk, Bookshop, Supermarket collections, Craft Fayre and Flag Day,

Ian was the President in 1981 and 2006 and recalls the donation of £2000 given to the Darlington Memorial Hospital in 2006 towards a new portable Echocardiograph machine which is an ultrasound recording of the main features of the heart.

Dave had to be a Lion at large for six years in the 1980s as his employment as a construction manager took him to Zambia and Saudi Arabia, but he kept in touch with his local Darlington Lions Club. Dave also has worked in our local Darlington bookshop on a Friday in Blackwell Arcade for the last 20 years and wanted to thank the residents of Darlington for donating their books over many years.

Tony Gent, President of Darlington Lions Club said 80 years between them was a great achievement and the club has benefited from their dedication, commitment, and willingness to help others.


Lions - Long service

In 2011 these magnificent seven Darlington Lions pictured accrued a total combined service of 270 years. Tom Peacock is our oldest current member of Darlington Lions Club with 42 years service.
All of these Lions have served the club in many different roles too numerous to list. However one of the main objectives has been to engage with their local communities providing a service to improve the quality of life for many in Darlington.

Richard Western the current Darlington Club President commented that 270 years combined service from seven of the members was a fantastic achievement and one of which the club should be proud.

Photo shows - top left to right - Tom Peacock 42 years, Ian Barnes 39 years, John Clulee 40 years, Denis Pinnegar 38 years - front row - left to right - Bob Martin 36 years, Dave Nicholson 38 years and Fred Thompson 37 years. 


Lions - Tom Peacock

At a recent "end of the President's" year party in July  2011 Tom Peacock was presented with a President's award plaque for 42 years dedicated service to Darlington Lions Club.

Tom joined the Darlington Lions in 1969 just eight years after it was formed and played a big part in our 50th celebration held in June this year at the Blackwell Grange Hotel. Tom organised many archive photos and write ups recording the clubs formative days at our 50th celebration.

Tom has been President twice and Chairman of most committees and he recalls the first time as President in 1975 when there was a parade to mark 150 years of the Darlington & Stockton Railway. That was the year Tom, as President of Darlington Lions, gave £2000 to a special needs school at Harrogate Hill, Darlington to assist in the cost building a play area.

Richard Western, President, commented that Tom had been an outstanding Darlington Lion and thanked him for his truly dedicated record number of 42 years service in our club.

Photo left to right -Tom Peacock, Pat Peacock, and Richard Western


Lions - 4 New Members 

Photo shows - Katie Johnson, Sylvia Western, Richard Western (President)
Pat De Martino & Jean Pinnegar.

As Darlington Lions Club looks forward to celebrating its 50th Anniversary on 19th June 2011, the membership is changing and growing.

Club, President, Richard Western inducted and welcomed its first four lady members into the club on 26th April 2011.

Pat De Martino and Jean Pinnegar are former Darlington Lioness members with much experience in how the Lions assist their local communities.
Sylvia Western, the President's wife and Katie Johnson are new to Lionism.
Richard Western, Darlington Lions Club, President commented, having seen membership stagnate over the past few years and present members getting older, this is an exciting new chapter in Darlington Lions club's development. We can now look forward to a future with fresh energy and new ideas on how to help our community. And hopefully - even more members!

Darlington Lions Club wishes our new lady members every success.

Lions - Banner

Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Lions Clubs International is the World's largest service club organisation with 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 205 countries.

Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, our motto is "We Serve."


We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm ( except July & August) at the Darlington Cricket & Athletic Club, South Terrace Tel:- 01325 250044.


The Immediate Past District Governor Lion John Sutherland visited Darlington Lions Club in February to present the club with the Club Excellence Award. Darlington Lions Club Immediate Past President Tony Gent received the distinguished Banner Patch to display on the club banner and he also received a Club Excellence Pin to recognise his outstanding leadership during his year in office. Clubs that excel in community service, membership growth, communication and organizational management may qualify for the prestigious Excellence Awards.Immediate Past District Governor John Sutherland presenting the Banner patch & Club Excellence Pin to Immediate Past President Lion Tony Gent.


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