Cheque presentations
Cheque presentations to Heel & Toe and Northumbria Blood Bikes

Darlington Lions are ordinary people doing extraordinary things to serve their local community by supporting good causes.

All Lions are volunteers who give up their spare time to raise money for charities, community groups and sports clubs and individuals in need, in our second-hand bookshop in Darlington town centre and by organising a number of fundraising events. All the money we raise for charity goes to charity.

Last year we donated a total of £32,447 to 26 organisations. 90% was handed to charities and community groups serving people in and around Darlington, such as children's charity Heel & Toe and Northumbria Blood Bikes. 10% went to organisations overseas supported by our club and by Lions International. 

You can find out more about the organisations we have supported on our Community Service page. To find out how to apply for a donation to a good cause, please scroll further down this page. 

We also provide practical help for our community. Every year we organise a Christmas party for older people and provide Christmas food parcels for local people in need. Some of our members accompany mums and kids from the local women's refuge on a trip to a theme park.

Packing Christmas food parcels
Packing Christmas food parcels

We have fun volunteering, at fundraising events, and at our social events. We hold a coffee morning each month, an annual dinner, a Christmas Party, a Quiz Night, as well as regular trips to local attractions. This year we have 19 social events planned. 

All Lions Clubs are part of Lions International, a unique world-wide organisation which has 1.4 million members. You can find out more about Lions International, our club and individual Lions on our About Us page. 

Membership is open to anybody age 18 and over who wants to help others and improve their local community. Members only commit to do what they can. 

We meet at Darlington Cricket Club at 7pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except July and August. 

If you would like to find out more about joining us or volunteering with us please get in touch via our Contact page and we will get back to you. We look forward to hearing from you!



Darlington Lions Club provides support to local charities, community groups, sports clubs and other voluntary-led organisations to continue their work and develop services which impact positively on their service users and local communities.

We also provides assistance to individuals to allow them and their dependents to access healthcare, education, services and opportunities they may otherwise miss out on.

90% of funds are distributed to good causes in and around Darlington.


Individuals or groups will need to demonstrate the need and show how they can benefit from the requested support. They should live in Darlington and the surrounding area.

An authorised member of an organisation can apply for support on their organisation's behalf. Applicants must demonstrate evidence of need for the support and identify the positive impact it will have on its beneficiaries and the local community.

To apply for support, your organisation must be based in Darlington and the surrounding area or supply services to people within this area. We will generally favour independent charities and community groups over branches of larger organisations.


In the past we have funded a range of organisations and individuals, including:


To apply please email….. info@darlingtonlionsclub.co.uk or via the "contact us" tab above.

For more information call….. 0345 833 9874.



On 19th May 2022 Lion Tom Peacock had the privilege of attending a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

Tom was accompanied by his daughter Susan travelling by train from Darlington and taxi to the Palace. As the photos below show, they were blessed with a beautiful sunny day.
The highlight of Tom's visit was his meeting and chatting with The Countess of Wessex,

G.C.V.O. Patron of Lions Clubs.

During the "walkabout" Tom says Sophie spotted his Lions badge and she came over to speak with him.

Later in the day Her Royal Highness Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge, came over and spoke with Tom.

After the presentations Tom & Susan enjoyed an afternoon tea in the large marquee within the grounds of the palace.

Z- Tom 8

Tom at Buckingham Palace

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Tom being looked after by a guardsman.

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Tom (just out of shot) talking to The Countess of Wessex about his years as a Lion.

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Tom regaling The Duchess of Cambridge with his stories about Lions

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Tom with his badge, tie and past president's medal 


Countess of Wessex G.C.V.O. as Patron of Lions Clubs of the British Isles held a Royal Reception at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, 28th February to celebrate a 'Century of Service'. HRH has been its Patron since 2004.


Hundreds of Lions members joined together for the 100th Birthday of Lions Clubs International to celebrate this landmark anniversary with the organisations' partners.

Lion Phil Nathan MBE, Chair of the Centenary Celebrations for Lions Clubs of the British Isles said "let me begin by saying that during our 1st Century of service, Lions Clubs have touched millions of lives of people that needed us. 100 years of service to the community is a remarkable achievement, made possible by the selfless actions of many thousands of individual men and women, each of whom has sought to make 'their' community a better place. As we enter our 2nd Century, the cry for help from those in need will most certainly become louder and we as volunteers are ready to show as Lions, We Care".

Lions Clubs International focusses through its Lions and Leos members upon major projects that address diabetes, youth, the environment, hunger relief, childhood cancer and sight issues affecting communities throughout the world.

For the year 2018- 19 Heel & Toe is to be our president's nominated charity 


Heel & Toe is a local children's charity based in County Durham which helps children with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities across the North East. The charity provides FREE conductive therapy and subsidised therapies such as physiotherapy, speech and language and SEN tutoring to around 125 children every week. They receive no government funding and need to raise £500,000 per year. 

They are the only charity of its kind in the region and rely on support from the local community. It is an exciting time for Heel & Toe as they are due to open their second Therapy Centre, a Hydrotherapy Centre in November, which will allow them to extend their services and help even more disabled children. For further information, please visit their website: www.heelandtoe.org.uk

tony heel & toe

Autumn 2018 saw the first tranche of money donated to Heel & Toe. A cheque for £2,500 is presented by club president Tony Gent. The presentation was made on 30th November at The Heel & Toe winter wonderland ball held in the Hilton Hotel, Gateshead.

In 2016 - 2017 our principal fund raising efforts were directed towards :-

 The Darlington & Bishop Auckland Hospitals MRI Scanner Appeal.

To raise fund in support of the scanner we held 2 major events:-

A grand raffle with the main prize being a week's holiday  in a traditional stone cottage in Low Row, Swaledale and  a Musical concert with The Sans Pareil Singers & 2's Company .

These two events held in May & June culminated in our presenting a cheque for £6,000 to Pat Chambers from the MRI Scanner Appeal. This handover was made by Ian Barnes, outgoing club president, on 30th June 2017 at our annual Charter evening. See below.



 Darlington Lions Club - 

Club of the Year!

Robert Hillary receives District 105 NE Club of the Year award

Photo shows - Darlington Lion President, Robert Hillary (centre) receiving the "District 105 N.E. Club of the Year" Trophy award for 2012/13 from International guest Jama Wahl, Lion President, Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club , Illinois, USA. and John Sutherland (right) Immediate Past Governor, District 105 N E.

John Sutherland, Immediate Past Governor, said that the award in his year in office was given due to sheer diversity and added value of work by Darlington Lions Club. They have supported on a local front the Blind & Visually Impaired, Talking Books & Newspapers, various charities for the Disabled, Family Help, many children's charities and an on-going presence in their community with their excellent bookshop. Internationally they have donated to Indian eye camps, African famine and Kumi Village Trust in Uganda.

2nd Vice District Governor, Dave Wells, commented "Very well deserved" and many more congratulations came from other clubs.

Robert Hillary, Darlington Lions President, said that the club was delighted and privileged to have won this trophy award out of a total of 43 other Lions clubs in the North East and Scotland and this was quite an achievement that the club could be proud of.

  The award was made at the 105 NE Convention hosted by Malton Lions Club.

Serving the community with Pride.

Welcome to our website!

Please read on to learn more about the Darlington Lions Club that blends Fun, Fellowship and Fundraising with a sense of Local Community and Lots of Challenges!

If you are new to Lionism, through these pages you will be able to find out about the work of the International Association of Lions Clubs and The Darlington Lions Club in particular.
If you are a Lion, and perhaps planning to visit our area, we hope that the information on our website will encourage you to spend some time with us.
Have you some time to spare?
Interested in becoming a member? Just use the "Contact Us" Page! or telephone on 0345 833 9874. If you are unsure of making a full commitment just yet why not consider coming along to a meeting to see what happens and sample the activities of the club.
Or, if you are not ready to join our Club just yet, please become a "Friend of Darlington Lions" and help us whenever possible with our various activities, some of which are listed here:





Darlington Lions Club members with Lion president Robert Hillary holding the Club of the Year trophy

Darlington Lions Club members with Lion president Robert Hillary holding the "Club of the Year" trophy.

Heel & Toe is a local children's charity based in County Durham which helps children with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities across the North East. The charity provides FREE conductive therapy and subsidised therapies such as physiotherapy, speech and language and SEN tutoring to around 125 children every week. They receive no government funding and need to raise £500,000 per year. They are the only charity of its kind in the region and rely on support from the local community. It is an exciting time for Heel & Toe as they are due to open their second Therapy Centre, a Hydrotherapy Centre in November, which will allow them to extend their services and help even more disabled children. For further information, please visit their website: www.heelandtoe.org.uk"

SHOP CLOSURE FRIDAY 19 APRIL Dear customers We are very sorry to inform you of the recent death of Darlington Lions President Robert Hillary. Robert was a great character and was known and loved by many in the town, including customers of the shop. Robert's funeral will be held at All Saints and Salutation Church in Ravensdale Road, Darlington, at 1200 on Friday 19 April. The bookshop will be closed all day as a mark of respect to Robert.

SHOP CLOSURE FRIDAY 19 APRIL Dear customers We are very sorry to inform you of the recent death of Darlington Lions President Robert Hillary. Robert was a great character and was known and loved by many in the town, including customers of the shop. Robert's funeral will be held at All Saints and Salutation Church in Ravensdale Road, Darlington, at 1200 on Friday 19 April. The bookshop will be closed all day as a mark of respect to Robert.

SHOP CLOSURE FRIDAY 19 APRIL Dear customers We are very sorry to inform you of the recent death of Darlington Lions President Robert Hillary. Robert was a great character and was known and loved by many in the town, including customers of the shop. Robert's funeral will be held at All Saints and Salutation Church in Ravensdale Road, Darlington, at 1200 on Friday 19 April. The bookshop will be closed all day as a mark of respect to Robert.

About Darlington Lions Club and Lions worldwide About charities and good causes we support About how we fundraise and have fun! How you can join and help us! 

The Open Evening is free to attend.

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Ordinary People
Amazing Things