International Aid
For many years Darlington Lions have supported overseas projects, mainly in Third World countries, where very poor education, health and living conditions have been brought to our attention.
These include charities such as Dorothy's Well which helps provide clean water in Africa and Goodwill Children's Homes in India.
In 2024 Darlington Lions donated £500 to help Ukrainian families stay warm in the winter. Together with Lions clubs around the World, Darlington Lions contributed to the Lions Clubs International Foundation Ukrainian Wood Stoves Appeal, raising more than $1.2 million for more than 8000 wood-burning stoves for families in south east Ukraine. The stoves not only offer a reliable source of heat during harsh winters but also ensure a safe and efficient means of cooking and heating for thousands of households affected by ongoing challenges.
_________________________________________________________________________Recycling Unwanted Glasses
Darlington Lions, in common with Lions Clubs across the UK, have been collecting and recycling unwanted glasses for reuse in sight clinics across the developing world for a number of years. Collectively UK Lions have recycled tens of thousands of pairs of spectacles. Globally Lions work to improve the lives of visually impaired people and prevent avoidable blindness with initiatives in many countries.
Darlington Lions has recycled around 1,500 glasses in 2024! You can recycle any unwanted glasses at our charity bookshop, but we don't want the cases. Find us in Darlington town centre at 23 Blackwellgate, opposite House of Fraser.
THANDIGUDI (Tamil Nadu, India)
The Goodwill Orphanage in Thandigudi in India is part of the Goodwill Village scheme founded in 1963 by John Foster, an ex-schoolteacher from Stockton.
The first Goodwill Project began in 1974 after John and Pamela Foster had gone to India with the intention of giving a couple of years useful service to uplift some of the most needy and destitute children in the Third World. Now Goodwill Children's Village and Homes are thriving communities of girls and boys who once knew the real meaning of grinding poverty, the like of which would appal people in the Western World. The projects are in the charge of capable and dedicated Indian staff who play major roles in welfare and administration.
This orphanage clothes, feed and educates local children and for the past 15 years we have made regular contributions to the running of the very worthwhile project.
Darlington Lions Club has supported the "Lions Eye Camp Programme" for many years by making financial contributions to this excellent work in India & Bangladesh.
The programme has been running for well over 30 years and over 750,000 men women and children have had their sight restored.
This remarkable work by British & Irish Lions can be traced back to 1972 when the organisation donated a Land Rover mobile eye unit for use in Bangladesh. Originally the operations were carried out in the back of this Land Rover but with time, conditions improved and now those requiring treatment are taken to hospital.
Through this excellent work the eye needs of the community are met from the early prevention of disease by promoting good eye health to curative surgical eye care, aftercare, rehabilitation & training.